-merged latest sdcardfs commits*
-merged binder updates from hwbinder aosp branch
-added wake gestures by flar2
-bf build with build flags was pulled because it wasn't stable
*sdcardfs notes:
To enable it, you need to add following line to your build.prop (/system/build.prop): "ro.sys.sdcardfs=true" - without the quotes of course.
You also need to set the selinux policy to permissive, or search for a patched selinux policy. Otherways you'll run into issues.
Test releases are in the Test folder. You'll find them here: DOWNLOAD
Have fun!

Freitag, 24. Februar 2017
Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017
N6P: b2-t2
-added a few fixes
-added f2fs support (shipping a modified fstab.angler)
You'll find the test releases in the "Test" folder.
Have fun!
-added f2fs support (shipping a modified fstab.angler)
You'll find the test releases in the "Test" folder.
Have fun!
Samstag, 18. Februar 2017
Freitag, 17. Februar 2017
N6P: GCC6 build added
Hey guys,
I got the kernel building with ubertc6. You can stay on the gcc4.9 build, or give this one a try to compare it.
Have fun!
I got the kernel building with ubertc6. You can stay on the gcc4.9 build, or give this one a try to compare it.
Have fun!
Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017
N6: b1-711
-rebased on top of latest source (7.1.1)
-removed some clutter
-compiled with gcc6
I haven't booted the kernel, since I don't have the device anymore. Please let me know if it works.
Have fun!
-removed some clutter
-compiled with gcc6
I haven't booted the kernel, since I don't have the device anymore. Please let me know if it works.
Have fun!
Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017
hells-Core has a new home!
I'm on androidfilehost now, so you can download my kernel from there. My dropbox link was only a temporary solution. You can find my stuff here: androidfilehost
Older releases will also be added to androidfilehost in the next few days.
Welcome the Google Pixel XL to the hells-Core family!
I currently don't have another upload hoster than dropbox. My developer request on androidfilehost is pending and as soon as it gets grantet, I'll upload the kernel there.
TWRP is still in the alpha stage and flashing in general can still be a tricky thing. If you just flash the kernel in TWRP, you'll lose TWRP and Root after bootup. Flash TWRP right after the kernel, reboot recovery, flash SuperSU again and you'll be fine. Don't expect support if you can't follow this simple instructions. You have been warned!
-based on latest preview 7.1.2 source (works on 7.1.1)
-merged EAS branch (schedutil governor)
-lots of fixes under the hood
-compiled with ubertc 4.9, or ubertc 6.x (called gcc6)
Its up to you, if you use the 4.9 or the 6.x one. Compiling with 6.x gives a lot of warnings I suppressed during the compilation. A warning doesn't mean it won't work, but our kernel is not supposed to be compiled with this toolchain.
TWRP is still in the alpha stage and flashing in general can still be a tricky thing. If you just flash the kernel in TWRP, you'll lose TWRP and Root after bootup. Flash TWRP right after the kernel, reboot recovery, flash SuperSU again and you'll be fine. Don't expect support if you can't follow this simple instructions. You have been warned!
-based on latest preview 7.1.2 source (works on 7.1.1)
-merged EAS branch (schedutil governor)
-lots of fixes under the hood
-compiled with ubertc 4.9, or ubertc 6.x (called gcc6)
Its up to you, if you use the 4.9 or the 6.x one. Compiling with 6.x gives a lot of warnings I suppressed during the compilation. A warning doesn't mean it won't work, but our kernel is not supposed to be compiled with this toolchain.
Welcome the N6P to the hells-Core family!
I currently don't have another upload hoster than dropbox. My developer request on androidfilehost is pending and as soon as it gets grantet, I'll upload the kernel there.
-based on latest 7.1.1 february source (no I won't support marshmallow)
-boots with stock settings
-many changes under the hood (check github)
-compiled with ubertc 4.9 (maybe 6.x in the future)
Have fun!
-based on latest 7.1.1 february source (no I won't support marshmallow)
-boots with stock settings
-many changes under the hood (check github)
-compiled with ubertc 4.9 (maybe 6.x in the future)
Have fun!
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